Chef John's Best Steak Recipes

Chef John's Best Steak Recipes

Cut of steak: Hanger

Cut of steak: Skirt

Cut of steak: Tenderloin

Cut of steak: New York strip

Cut of steak: boneless top round

Cut of steak: Flank steak

Cut of steak: Flank

Cut of steak: Flank

Cut of steak: New York strip

Cut of steak: Beef tri-tip

Cut of steak: Round

New York strip steaks are dry-brined with a chili rub, then grilled and topped with flavorful garlic and lime butter. “You should definitely add this to the rotation during grilling season,” says Chef John. “Serve with a cold potato salad, baked or barbecued beans, or a green salad if desired.”

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